
A festival of sound and vision
Art Gallery of New South Wales
22 Sep – 8 Oct 2023

Eugene Choi


A festival of sound and vision
Art Gallery of New South Wales
22 Sep – 8 Oct 2023

Eugene Choi

Person in a white sheet standing on a step ladder

Eugene Choi in Biscuit Betrayal by Ivan Cheng for REAL REAL #1 at Campbelltown Arts Centre, photograph: Rafaela Pandolfini

Sydney-based artist Eugene Choi makes performances that integrate dance, video, sculpture and installation. Her work evolves around self-made systems or sets, such as scaffolding or the family home, where improvised action often occurs. More recently, the focus of Choi‘s work is the role of language and the possibility of creating gestures and actions that communicate what spoken or written language cannot. Alongside her own art practice, Choi has also worked as a performer for artists, choreographers, musicians and theatre makers, such as Xavier Le Roy, Tino Sehgal, Adam Linder, Lynsey Peisinger and many others. 

For Volume, Eugene Choi will perform as part of the Moves program.
